Providing Powerful Educational Seminars, Training Programs and Resources for Parents, Professionals, Schools, Communities and the Corporate Workplace
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School Workshops
School Workshops
Research based workshops and training programs that empower educators
to help all students achieve their highest academic and personal potential.
Resilient Schools® Workshop
Learn about the Seven Keys to Resiliency® - proven by 20 years of scientific research in education as critical for students’ academic, personal and social success. Develop powerful and effective resiliency building strategies that will greatly benefit both students and teachers.
Workshop Outline
The Empowered Educator ™ Workshop
Educators are being challenged as never before by larger class sizes, more students with behavior and learning problems, student violence, budget cuts and lack of public support. Learn effective resiliency building strategies to reduce stress and improve physical, mental and emotional well-being.
Workshop Outline
Multiple Intelligences (M.I.) Workshop
Participants will learn about the eight Multiple Intelligences and how to utilize specific M.I. strategies with their students. The information provided is based on the latest research and practice of leading M.I. experts Howard Gardner, Thomas Armstrong and Eric Jensen.
Workshop Outline
Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.) Workshop
Social science research indicates that Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.) may be more important for success in life than cognitive intelligence (I.Q.). Topics include how to teach children to understand their feelings, control negative emotions and develop healthy relationships.
Workshop Outline
Moral Intelligence Workshop
The psychological and emotional well-being of students is negatively impacted by TV, video games, movies, the Internet and other powerful social forces. Learn how to teach the decision making skills that promote the universal values of compassion, honesty, personal respect and social responsibility.
Workshop Outline
Positive Discipline in the Classroom Workshop
Learn how to create a purposeful, supportive and safe teaching and learning environment. Participants will acquire effective strategies to discipline students in a firm, caring and respectful manner and learn to utilize classroom meetings to resolve students’ social problems.
Workshop Outline
Safe and Caring Schools Workshop
Today’s educators require effective strategies to reduce the escalating problems of student bullying, violence and drug use. Topics include how to create and implement a clearly defined school-wide discipline policy that promotes safety, respect, responsibility and caring for others.
Workshop Outline
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