Providing Powerful Educational Seminars, Training Programs and Resources for Parents, Professionals, Schools, Communities and the Corporate Workplace
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Personal Development
Personal Development
Leading edge workshops and seminars to empower your mind, body and spirit to live with purpose, courage and success in a rapidly changing world.
The Power of Resiliency™ Workshop
Highly successful people have discovered unique strategies to achieve important goals and navigate life’s inevitable ups and downs. The Seven Keys to Resiliency® will provide new knowledge and skills to dramatically increase your ability to manage stress, adapt to rapid change and bounce back quickly from setbacks. In this life-changing seminar, you will learn to harness the power of your inner resiliency and create the networks of support needed to achieve health, well-being and success.
Workshop Outline
Dynamics of Mind™ Workshop
Research from quantum physics confirms what the sages, philosophers and great teachers have known for centuries; the human mind, when combined with focused intention and strong desire, has the unlimited ability to create a new physical reality. To maximize this potential, we must understand the power of thoughts and beliefs and learn how to program the subconscious mind. This amazing seminar will help you acquire the unique knowledge and skills to effectively master your mind.
Workshop Outline
Creating Your Future™ Workshop
Each of us is a unique individual with special gifts and talents to offer the world, yet without a clear vision of what we want for the future, we may become frustrated, disappointed and lost. Rather than living your life by chance, why not live a life that you intentionally create? Ignite the excitement and passion to realize your dreams! Discover your true mission or purpose in life, and create a clear vision to achieve the happiness and success you deserve.
Workshop Outline
Discovering the Genius Within™ Workshop
Did you know that your brain has the same potential as Albert Einstein’s? Most people are far more intelligent and capable than they have been conditioned to believe by parents, teachers and society. You will learn how to change faulty beliefs and release negative feelings that may be blocking your creativity and innate potential. In this ground-breaking seminar, you will identify and develop your multiple, emotional and spiritual intelligences.
Workshop Outline
The Science of Prosperity™ Workshop
Would you like to have more money, joy, health and peace in your life? We live in an abundant universe, yet many people are negatively conditioned to believe in scarcity. The ancient universal laws and principles for creating prosperity have now been scientifically explained by quantum physics. This exciting seminar will teach you how to re-program your mind to eliminate negative beliefs and utilize proven strategies to create a life filled with abundance.
Workshop Outline
Dark Clouds - Silver Linings™ Workshop
You can regain health, happiness and peace of mind after experiencing personal trauma and stressful life events. Discover the vital role of the mind and spirit as master healers to help you acquire new strength and hope. Learn how to avoid the dance of doom and reclaim your personal power by accessing your inner resiliency. In this life-changing seminar, you will have an opportunity to begin the healing journey to help you move from surviving to thriving.
Workshop Outline
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